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  • love poems by maya angelou
  • How to Write Poetry Like Maya Angelou

    How to Write Poetry Like Maya Angelou
    http://www.ehow.com/how_2341904_write-poetry-like-maya-angelou.html >view story

    # Step 1
    Seek solitude. Maya Angelou reportedly writes in complete solitude in hotel rooms, with only her paper, a bottle of sherry, playing cards, a thesaurus and the Bible. By early afternoon, she emerges with an average of 10-12 pages of writing, which she then edits in the evening.

    # Step 2
    Turn your poem's title into the refrain. In poems such as "Alone" and "I Rise," she repeats the titles throughout the rest of the poem as a refrain or chorus.

    # Step 3
    Write about women's issues. Poems such as "Phenomenal Woman" and "Woman Work" deal with trials and triumphs exclusive to women and include Angelou's take on the feminine mystique.

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